Hello, my name is Steef Kooij
I want to tell you something about diabetic and the complications
Let me start to inform you that i'm not a physician
What I want to share with you are my own experiences, these have no medic foundation.
Summer 1999 I was diagnosed with Diabetic type #2
The treatment consisted in the first place in pills
I taught there was no real problem but slowly it got worse
In 2000 I stopped smoking, I was not easy and after: Cold Turkey, Stickers, Acupuncture, Hypnoses and who knows what I succeeded in the end
Because it was getting worse with my Diabetic I had to inject insulin at some point
In the beginning small amounts but in time i needed more and more
Once I injected much to much insuline, just to see what would happen.
Strangely enough my levels went NOT down
My doctor said it was rather stupid of me to do this kind of experiments
That's what bothers me ... these stupid commented but never answer to the question
I suspected that I resistend to insulin
And that this was the reason that it did not matter how much I injected
After two years ill be home I've been medical dissaproved for work early 2013
One of the factors was that I had not been able to function normally.
Even five minutes of walking was almost impossible
I felt so bad and it all looked so hopeless that I stopped injecting of insulin.
Everybody sad that was stupid because it went against all medical advice
In order to keep my glucose levels a bit at the right level, I started with a hometrainer, that did not work in my case because of the position, so I bought a recumbent-hometrainer and that was better
I lost 22 Kilo in one year and my glucose-levels where acceptable, And if it went up, the hometrainer was the solution
October 2012 I eat from being
The next day went very badly
Every time something I ate I felt bad and I was also on the diarrhea
October 2012 I went out for dinner and the next day I felt very sick
Every time something I ate something I felt bad and I also had diarrhea
I tried to soften it by drinking hot milk but that did not help
After a few months I have done a lactose challenge test with a positive result see:
(Lactose intolerance)
So .. No more Lactose
Lactose Free Milk is the solution and there are now Lactase tablets for sale that the effect of Lactose intolerance smoothen
Over time seem that my bowels gets irritating more and more
It looks like Lactose intolerance and irritable bowel syndrome
Irritable_bowel_syndrome (IBS)
From tomorrow I'm going to do it different!
The next four weeks only fruit, vegetables and fish
No Grains,
No Meat,
No Alcohol,
No Milk
See the videoblogs for my progression